The infamous region of Sodom and Gomorrah, often referred to as the "sin cities," is quite popular amid the holy folks, myth and storytellers, and moral seekers of divine justice.
However, some people doubt that this place even existed, even though the location of this area can be found and proven to exist, but that's not the point or the question here...
First of all, I'm not a biblical scholar by no means; in fact, when I do bring religion up, I'm usually ranting about some
'holier than thou' aspect that I dislike or perhaps my disdain for organized religions in general. I'm not an atheist nor do I cohere to a certain code of conduct or a particular set of dogma dung. But when it comes to Sodom and Gomorrah, these supposed sin cities sound like the way our civilization is becoming in America and throughout the globe. You know, traits such as: decadent, lazy gluts, deceitful, disrespectful, irresponsible, spoiled, lewd, unchaste and, overall, just a bunch of wasteful bipeds who are callous, brainless pieces of trash without a care in the world. Now, I know this doesn't apply to a lot of people, but just generalizing the momentum that seems to be moving forward in the world today, but hey, maybe things will change for the better - as time marches on (boom!).
Anyway, assuming it did happen, the primary question here is: Who is responsible for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Was it the almighty God? Was it Aliens from another planet or world? Was the destruction of these cities simply due to the impact of a big asteroid or other natural causes that stem from rational thinking?
Hell, I don't know, I wasn't there... But I will leave this post open for comments, and I will provide a couple resources below.
The Bible mentions that it was God casting wrath upon Sodom and Gomorrah... English Version; Genesis, Chapter 19, Verse 23 - 29: "The sun was rising when Lot reached Zoar. Suddenly the Lord rained burning sulfur on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them and the whole valley, along with all the people there and everything that grew on the land. But Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Early the next morning Abraham hurried to the place where he had stood in the presence of the Lord. He looked down at Sodom and Gomorrah and the whole valley and saw smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a huge furnace. But when God destroyed the cities of the valley where Lot was living, he kept Abraham in mind and allowed Lot to escape to safety." That was the Bible's version of the destruction.
If you'd like to read more about this subject in a biblical sense, you can start with a page called "Is there any evidence for the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction by fire and brimstone (sulfur)?" You can find it here:
Now, what about those pesky little aliens, often referred to as "angels" and/or "demons" by many religious people? Well, one can speculate that the destruction of those cities was not from God, but from a nuclear attack, which some will still call "the work of god." If that is the case, maybe the destruction was from aliens acting as violent angels or playful demons, or maybe it was just some fed up extraterrestrials that felt like testing their weapons of mass destruction. Ha-ha! Either way, if you'd like to read about the Sin Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in an alien sense, visit: [Link is no longer active since I deleted that website a while back, but I will add most of it below, as part 2.]
Part 2 comes from an old (now deleted) website of mine that contained a section on there that featured articles about ancient astronauts. I would make some edits and have editor's comments, etc. Below, I'll drop down one of the chapters that related to this subject:
Genesis Chapter 19, verses 24 through 29 describes in graphic terms how the wrath of the Lord descended on the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah and how He destroyed them with fire & brimstone. It also describes the effects of low radiation, like tactical nuclear warheads! (Wow! So much for natural causes; ha!)
The eminent Soviet scientist Professor M. Agrest, a leading physicist-mathematician, says that before the recorded history of our earth, the fertile plains of Palestine, in the vicinity of the Dead Sea, were visited by highly advanced aliens from another solar system, possibly the unwitting tools of God's divine plan for mankind.
These beings -- the Bible calls them Angels -- visited the inhabitants of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar, five thriving cities that, around the time of the nuclear holocaust, say 800 B.C., were islands of civilization amid a sea of barbarism.
Agrest says the space invaders may have landed in the area of Baalbek Terrace, a platform of huge stone slabs in the mountains of Syria. Alternatively, the slabs could have been constructed as a launching platform for the star travelers. To this day, no one has a satisfactory explanation for the existence of the strange stone slabs at Baalbek Terrace.
The area is not far from the Libyan desert, where glassy fragments called tektites have been found in large numbers. These contain highly radioactive isotopes of aluminum and beryllium, which Dr. Agrest believes are remnants of the spacemen's atomic missiles. Dr. Agrest says: "The visiting star people found cities of mud and quickly showed the inhabitants how to build in stone, how to lay out streets with the regularity of modern town planners, to install baths in their homes hooked up to a central hot water supply, to supply cleaners to keep the streets free of rubbish and to cut down on the risk of infection by burying the dead far from the city walls."
The alien beings also
genetically engineered the inhabitants of the cities, who were after all still mired in the Stone Age, giving them the brainpower that should have taken their descendants to the stars in just a few short millenniums; but it was not to be......
The citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah became too civilized & sophisticated for the times in which they lived. They quickly became bored with the good life they had been given and wallowed in sin & debauchery.
Recent archaeological evidence has shed much light on the history and social customs of the twin cities. These included grisly human sacrifice, cannibalism, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, worship of pagan gods, and the watching of blood-splashed exhibitions & spectacles. Even the gentlest reader will know that such sins exist in our big cities today, including a few the Sodomites never thought of; yet
God does not send a race of aliens to blast them into perdition.
It seems that the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah committed one unpardonable sin, and that sin was the worship of the heathen deity Baal, a word that simply meant "Lord" in the ancient Palestinian tongue. The religion of Baal preached all of those sinful acts mentioned prior and more. Lot and his infamous wife were both worshippers of this deity, who represented the male forces of nature, and was often represented by a phallus intertwined with serpents.
What a disaster for those genetic engineers from space!
Instead of a hardy race of pioneers who would one day reach for the stars, the cities became filled with weak minded people that were ill-equipped to withstand the wars, plagues and famines that beset the region.
The Bible tells us that when Abraham first entered Palestine, the excesses of Sodom & Gomorrah were at their peak. The stern old patriarch took one look at the sin cities and decided to go while the going was still good. He took his wife and his herdsmen into "the plain of Mamre," (which is in Hebron) stolidly refusing to worship any God but Jehovah.
Thus was the seed of Abraham sparing the coming holocaust and/or thorough destruction of these two cities......
His people were hardy, rugged, intelligent, industrious and resistant to disease. His followers and descendants followed Jehovah's laws which dictated that work should come before pleasure, love should conquer lust, and strict laws of health and continence should be obeyed.
And so, the warheads winged over Abraham's peaceful pastures and fell on the degenerates of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Dr. Agrest says: "The description of the destruction that followed is given in the Dead Sea Scrolls. This account cannot help but attract the attention of modern man who are familiar with nuclear physics. In modern language, Abraham and his followers were ordered to get well away from the area of the coming tactical explosions, not to linger in the open and not to watch the blast. Those of the patriarch's band who looked back, lost their sight."
It was now that Lot's wife, disobeying Jehovah's command, looked back at the cities she loved "and became a pillar of salt." Lot's wife was petrified, just as the victims of intense radiation in Hiroshima & Nagasaki became petrified.
In the 1970s, an American expedition found a petrified forest in the fabled "Sea of Salt" - the Dead Sea. Chemical and radiation analysis of the leafless branches, tortured trunks and twisted roots revealed that it had stood there since the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - 2800 years before. Then the geologists discovered something really sensational......
The surface and beaches of the Dead Sea lie 1,280 feet below sea level. No other place in the world, which is not under water, lies deeper than 300 feet!
American scientist Jack Finegan said later:
"Geological and archaeological evidence leads to the conclusion that the corrupt cities [of Sodom and Gomorrah] lay partly in the area now submerged by the southern end of the Dead Sea. Their destruction came about by a huge cataclysm which forced that part of the earth's crust downward, and which was probably accompanied by explosions, lightning, the issue of natural gas and general conflagration..."
Thus perished the great cities which had been so carefully nurtured by the ancient astronauts, where a bold experiment in genetic engineering had gone terribly wrong...and where nuclear warheads were used to wipe the slate clean.
One shudders to think that the same thing could happen to certain corrupt & wicked "sin cities" in the modern world -- cities which, in many respects, behave exactly as Sodom and Gomorrah did in those ancient times.
Editor's Comment:
It is possible that the
ancient aliens could have wiped out more than just the dinosaurs, including several bouts of violence upon man. But seriously, were they primitive aliens? You'd think they would have more sophisticated weapons as opposed to dropping nuclear bombs. Wouldn't they have high-tech lasers? Oh, wait, never mind, they probably had photon torpedoes. Duh! Anyway... When it comes to these two particular cities of note, it sounds like to me that they were very much like a lot of booming, high-populated big cities in today's world.
Corruption and so-called "sin" involving people getting drunk or high and being unchaste - among other things - is all over the globe. Some people look at it as simply having fun, while many folks would like to cast wrath down upon thee. At any rate, the point is that there is a good deal of evidence that leans towards the notion that Sodom & Gomorrah were wiped out with a great force, possibly via nuclear means.
---End of Part 2
If you're more inclined to finding a rational explanation via natural causes, you probably won't need any resource links to find possible causes for the destruction of these cities, and you will gladly do your own cyber searches. But for anyone who wants to drop down their 2 cents worth about this subject, whether it is about God, aliens, asteroids, sin cities, and so on, feel free.
Personally, I don't have a clue. We've been destroying and blowing each other up for so long now, who knows?
Okay, it is time to confess! Who destroyed these freaky cities???

---End of Post "Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - God, Aliens, Natural Causes?"