To list a few malign creatures: Werewolves, Vampires, Ogres, Trolls, Devils & Demons, Witches, and whatnot. [Update: To add more content to this page/subject, Part 2 (bottom of this post) features the Devil Monkey, Jersey Devil, & the Kraken...]
Out of that small list, the Ogres & Trolls stand out as the least common. Trolls are often found in different types of mythology with their main goal being to pester, harass, and badger humans, while being prone to violence. The Ogres are usually depicted as monstrous beasts with great size & strength - sort of like the Cyclopes. They're not known for their beauty, as these ugly creatures are not very photogenic. In addition to their less-than-friendly appearance, they are apt to eating humans and are also inclined to display cannibalistic traits. Ogres appear in many legends & folklore tales.
Stories, information, and worship of Werewolves, Vampires, Witches and other demonic entities are widespread. Out of those, witchcraft and black magic (although usually harmless & senseless) stemming from the belief in witches & demons, and the cults that often come from blood/vampire worship, can be the most malign of all. A myth is one thing, but the real-life practice and execution while trying to mimic mythical beings, is another set of potential problems.
In ancient times, there was no such term or label known as a "vampire"...but blood drinking and flesh-eating worship was still in effect. To some of the overly religious folks, many of these malignant beings are all related to the devil, in one way or another.
I must say, all of the creatures listed in this post definitely make for some great flicks. Many of these characters, in movies/films, often captivate the religious & non-religious audience.
Okay, now that we are all feeling a little wicked, I'm going to grab some beer and go morph into some nefarious beast, so I can lurk within the "Darkside" for a few...

Related Link: "Devil Monkey, Jersey Devil, & the Kraken..." [Link is no longer active since I deleted that website, but it is now Part 2 of this post.]
---End of Part 1: "Malign Beings, Creatures, & Beasts"
Part 2: Devil Monkey, Jersey Devil, & the Kraken...
Original Post Date: July 17th, 2011
Have you ever heard of a “Devil Monkey” or perhaps a “Jersey Devil” or maybe even the wicked sea monster known as the “Kraken”???
First of all, let's start with a quick depiction of the fierce Devil Monkey:
What's a DEVIL MONKEY???
Per Animal Planet via the Discovery Channel: The United States and Canada aren’t home to any modern-day primates, which makes the appearance of giant monkey-like creatures in rural areas even more bizarre to those who’ve seen it. Dubbed the devil monkey, these primate-looking beasts reportedly have pointed ears, a baboon- or dog-like snout, a bushy tail and only three toes on each of its narrow feet. Ranging in height between 3 and 8 feet (0.9 and 2.4 meters) tall, this strange monkey gets around on all fours and travels by jumping. These malign beings are supposed to be aggressive, especially toward dogs and humans, and by most accounts, they are carnivorous and feed on livestock. This fearsome monkey makes a wide range of evil-sounding noises, including hoots, whistles and screams.
For the image credit, a video link, and additional reading about the Devil Monkey, go here: [Link is no longer active]
What in the Hell is a JERSEY DEVIL???
The Legend of the Jersey Devil per Animal Planet via the Discovery Channel: "The legend of the Jersey Devil dates back to 1735. One of New Jersey’s earliest residents, “Mother” Leeds, was wife to a drunkard who did little to help care for their 12 children. When she discovered she was pregnant with a 13th, she screamed “Let this one be the Devil!” The child was born on a stormy night. Seemingly normal at first, the baby transformed into a hideous, growling creature with hoofed feet, clawed hands, glowing red eyes, bat-like wings and a forked tail. The devilish abomination slaughtered its mother and father, several of the midwives and many of its siblings. It then flew up the chimney and escaped to the Pine Barrens." Dang, talk about a good case for the ones that are pro-abortion. Ha!
For the image credit, additional reading, and a video link about the Jersey Devil, go here: [Link is no longer active]
What in the mythical kingdom of malign beings and oceanic mayhem, is the “Kraken” about?
Kraken are legendary sea monsters of massive size, said to have existed off the coasts of Iceland and Norway. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to these mighty beasts of the deep sea, have made them common ocean-dwelling malign beings in various fictional works.
The legend may have originated from sightings of actual giant squid (who knows?) that are variously estimated to grow 40 to 50 feet in length – including the tentacles. These deadly creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and have reportedly attacked ships, and so on… To read more about the “Kraken,” visit:
Even though there wasn't much elaboration on any of the creatures listed above, it was still a good example of the interesting subjects you’ll often find within the Myths, Legends, & Folklore genre. Cheers!
—End of Part 2: “Devil Monkey, Jersey Devil, & the Kraken…”
Image Credits: [Link is no longer active]
---End of Post "Malign Beings, Creatures, & Beasts"