Although, nobody knows for sure why the Stonehenge, Egyptian Pyramids, Easter Island sculptures, and so many other mysterious constructions were ever built or even how they could have been fabricated with such intellectual craftsmanship.
Below, I'll provide a couple images of the Stonehenge, and I'll give a link to a short story (which is now Part 2 of this post, down below) that theorizes that the giant stones containing bluestone, constructed in such a fashion, were once used as a power network for flying saucers from long ago.

[Link is currently not active since I deleted that website, but it is now Part 2 of this post, below...]
Part 2: "Flying Saucers and Druids"
The old man watched from clouded grey eyes as the great saucer-shaped starship angled, soft as a whisper, over the rugged Cornish countryside, then leveled out towards the standing stones no faster than a trotting pony. "It's good," the old Druid whispered. Then he turned to the thin, shivering boy at his side and said: "Light the signal fire."
The boy touched his torch to oil - cupped in a hollowed-out rock. Noiselessly the ship came to a halt in a beam of dazzling light. The old Druid watched the creature that walked from the light towards the standing stones. When the astronaut was a few yards away, the old man spoke:
"Welcome, my lord...a thousand times welcome..."
Those standing stones, a 32-foot-tall sculpture of seven saucer-shaped rocks, one piled on top of the other, can still be seen today on England's wild Cornish moors. For centuries it has attracted the attention of travelers, who wonder how the thing can possibly stand with the great weight of the top saucer - some 700 tons - resting as it does on the smaller stones that form the slender middle and base. At the upper right of the topmost stone, there is a small depression, used for burning sacrificial oil, chosen so that the smoke would rise up into the air.
How could these ancient Druids, 2000 years ago, have raised that 700-ton saucer 30 feet into the air without modern equipment?
In Ireland, a similar saucer, called the Stone of Clogher, was held in such high esteem by the Druids that they covered it entirely with gold!
Many of these monuments, called Logans, some of them so vast that they look like natural rock formations reaching towards the sky, still stand in the southeast of England.
Long after the Druids were gone, wiped out by the advance of Christianity, local people still gathered at the saucers to collect rainwater - which gathered in the basins. It was said to have the power to cure illness and, as late as the 1880s, was often given to sick children.
There are two ancient astronaut theories regarding the Druids and their incredible powers:
The first is that ancient astronauts visited Cornwall 2000 years before the [supposed] birth of Christ and gave the tribal priests, the Druids, vast powers that helped pull their people from a dark, barbaric age, and gave them the ability to make huge advances in farming, building, and technology. In gratitude, the Druids raised the great saucer monuments, honoring the disc-shaped starships.
The second theory is that the Druids themselves were the direct descendants of ancient astronauts and had vast powers which were slowly bred out of them over the succeeding generations. However, the Druids marshaled their tremendous energies one last time and built the saucer monuments, perhaps in hope of summoning back the long-gone flying saucers and great starships that visited them in the past which were, by then, nothing more than a fading memory.
Either of those theories are plausible. Certainly, by the time the Romans arrived in Britain, the Druids showed no signs of possessing "supernatural" powers and were routinely slaughtered by the conquering legions. Of course, there are other standing stones in England, the most famous of which is Stonehenge, which predates the Druids and saucer-worship by thousands of years but still has strong links with ancient astronauts.
The distinguished scientist, Dr. Gerald S. Hawkins, proved by computer that Stonehenge was once used by the ancients as an astronomical computer of great accuracy. But the most shattering discovery made so far, is that Stonehenge is just one link in a gigantic Power Network!
Retired English lawyer John Williams, studied the relationships of more than 3000 standing stones and stone circles on government survey maps. He proved that all the standing stones and stone circles are aligned to each other at exactly a 20-mile distance and at an angle to each other of just over 23 degrees, which is the axis tilt of the earth!
Williams doggedly photographed thousands of the standing stones, and many of his photographs show a dark blue, fog-like band across them. His camera and films were in perfect shape, and a friend using a different camera & film obtained the same results. Scientists who studied the pictures, came to the same conclusion: the standing stones, many of which contained quartz, were emitting ultraviolet rays!
Williams says that the standing stones and stone circles are the remains of a power network, and that the roofing stones on top of Stonehenge were "rocking stones" that started the whole network operating. The fact that Stonehenge was once used as a great astronomical computer is mind-boggling, but the disclosure that it had a dual purpose as a vital link in a power network is simply staggering in its implications!
Williams, as far back as 1951, said that the construction of Stonehenge for its amazing dual purpose, required advanced mathematics - the work of vastly advanced, alien super-beings. It would have been a formidable task to raise those huge stones by manual labor alone; it would have been the work of centuries.
Could they have been lifted by anti-gravity machines or slung under the bellies of glittering starships and/or flying saucers? And why did the builders mysteriously transport bluestone 148.8 miles from Pembrokeshire when large quarries of excellent building rock are found just 19 miles from Stonehenge? These are questions that may never be answered.
One thing is certain: bluestone contains high quantities of quartz and emits large amounts of ultraviolet radiation. Was it this radiation, flowing from the countryside power network, that in fact powered the demands of an advanced race of beings?
Stonehenge was several millennia old when the Druids first erected their saucer monuments. Once the Romans destroyed the stone circles, and their Druid attendants, the power source was gone.
Editor's Comment:
Outside of the fact that flying saucers would already have their own power source available within the crafts, most likely a 100% efficient anti-gravity machine along with some type of zero-point free energy, it still raises many questions. This particular chapter covered an excellent subject, as in: just how in the hell did some of these ritual-looking sites like the Stonehenge, along with other bizarre "constructions" (not mentioned on this page) like ancient artifacts, Egyptian pyramids, and whatnot, that still remain from ancient times, ever get erected & created without the help of an advanced race of aliens? Even if we accept the fact that they did have help, the next mystery in line is...why???
---End of Post "Mysterious Stonehenge - Flying Saucers & Druids"
Semi-related Link: Nazi Bell Project - Time Travel Experiments
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