Monday, December 27, 2010

The Mahabharata & Ancient Star Wars - Fact or Fiction?

The Mahabharata is one of the longest poems in the world and is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. This particular epic is part of the Hindu history.

Besides its epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, the Mahabharata (whether absolute fact or utter fiction) contains much philosophical and devotional material, such as a discussion of the four "goals of life" (right action, purpose, pleasure, and liberation). Among the principal works and stories that are a part of the Mahabharata are: the Bhagavad Gita (a sacred text outlining the key tenets of Hinduism), the story of Damayanti, an abbreviated version of the Ramayana, and the Rishyasringa, often considered as works in their own right.

The works of the Mahabharata was originally attributed to the scribe Vyasa. However, this lengthy, ongoing poem of mythical madness was most likely composed by several writers between the 8th century BCE and the 4th century CE (a mere estimation of the time frame). Perhaps this is why many people still question if it was fictional, factual, or a mixture of both fiction and fact; blah! To read more about it via the elaborate version, visit:

The reason why such a subject lands on this myths, legends, and folklore blog, is because the Mahabharata is a story of gods, demigods and men. Many people believe that the demigods and gods in this ancient manuscript were actually ancient astronauts who battled among each other for possession of this lovely blue planet known as Earth. In the past, I re-typed and/or copied a short story that covered this very same subject, and it was entitled "Ancient Star Wars." And you can find it here: [Link is no longer active, but it is now Part 2 of this post, below...]

Did the writings within the Mahabharata provide grammatical evidence of atomic warfare that occurred in our distant past? After reading the short story about ancient star wars, the weapons described in the Mahabharata didn't sound so primitive after all. It is an interesting concept to think about, to say the very least. Who knows for sure? Sometimes you're better off just using your creative imagination while leaving the rest for the pseudo-scientific creatures of today to pretend that they can unravel such things from ancient history... As the last part of the title asks: Fact or fiction??? Yeah, go get 'em, fellow brainiacs of ultimate knowledge and know-how... Either way, it sounds like this place has been under conflict from the very start. Cheers! Ha-ha!

Part 2: The Mahabharata & Ancient Star Wars

In 1952, the father of the atomic bomb, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, was at Rochester University to attend a conference of the world's top nuclear scientists.  It was just seven years after the first A-bombs had mushroomed over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. During a question & answer session for the young college students, Oppenheimer gave a bombshell answer that was largely overlooked, or ignored, by the media. A student asked:  "Was the bomb exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico, during the Trinity Project, the first one to be detonated?" Oppenheimer's reply:  "Yes, it was the first one -- in modern times, of course."

Later, chemist Robert Warth, who attended the conference, said that Oppenheimer seemed "startled" by the question and that the students looked at each other in bewilderment. Did Oppenheimer believe that atom bombs had been exploded in an earlier time? We know that Oppenheimer was a complex man with many interests; he was deeply interested in the religions along with beliefs in ancient India, and had read the great sagas like the Vadas, the Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.

These ancient records contain startling and vivid references to tactical nuclear warfare, mentioning weapons all too familiar to us, most recently from Desert Storm in the Gulf War, like explosives, artillery and rocketry.  [Hence the title, "Ancient Star Wars"]

An amazing section of the Mahabharata, called the Drona Parva, describes warfare between ancient armies on what is now the plains of northern India.  The blasts of "final" (today we call them "ultimate") weapons to destroy entire armies.
In part, the Drona Parva reads: "The steeds and elephants and weapons were carried away as if these were the dry leaves of trees - borne away by a great wind.  They looked highly beautiful, like flying birds, flying away from the trees..." The saga describes the mushroom clouds of tactical nuclear warheads:  "They [the clouds] looked like the openings of giant, spreading parasols."

This is the nuclear battlefield described in all its horror from records written 8000 years ago!  The Drona Parva also tells of the suffering that followed the bombs, when "the people's hair fell out and their food was spoiled."  The survivors also washed their bodies often, which is a necessary survival precaution for people exposed to radioactive fallout.

Similar catastrophes have been reported in the records of other ancient civilizations, like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which is also detailed in this book.  But it is only in India that ancient records, copied and recopied from the originals, describe in detail the great explosions and the terrible ensuing slaughter. The use and effect of tactical super-weapons like low-yield atomic warheads, strike aircraft, SCUD-type missiles and armored vehicles are also revealed in remarkable detail. References to what we think of as purely modern weapon systems like these, are scattered throughout the Indian texts - which mostly concern the adventures of gods and heroes.

The Mahabharata saga runs to 200,000 verses, making it seven times longer than Homer's ILLIAD and ODYSSEY put together. It was written in 1500 B.C., but describes events of a much earlier time, just as Homer wrote of the Trojan war, a conflict that ended more than 500 years before he was born.  The Mahabharata was first translated into Sanskrit in 1834, and then appeared in English in 1884.

The Mahabharata is the story of gods, demigods and men.  Again, many experts believe these gods and demigods, referred to in the ancient manuscripts, were ancient astronauts who battled among themselves for possession of this planet, and that man was almost destroyed in the process. Many historians say the Mahabharata describes the Aryan invasion of India which forced the original Dravidian inhabitants to the southernmost sections of the subcontinent, or to life as members of lower castes serving the Aryan masters.

...But time and time again, they are puzzled by references to weapons only easily identified as modern-day radar, fighter aircraft, smoke barrages, poison gas shells, armored divisions and nuclear missiles.
In Victorian times, British historians got around the puzzle by declaring that the super-weapons were "agneyastras" - great siege cannons used in antiquity to blast through the gates of castles and cities. They said that these references had been slipped into the Mahabharata in modern times in a prideful Indian attempt to say:  "See, we invented cannon before you did." But this notion was completely disproved by the great Indian historian V. R. Ramchandra Dikshitar in his book "War in Ancient India."

Writing at the height of World War 2, Dikshitar said: "Aircraft and other weaponry is now just catching up on what the Mahabharata meant when it spoke of vimanas, fighting sky chariots; the mohanastra, which caused armies to fall unconscious without a wound; the tashtra, which killed large numbers of the enemy in one blast and the fog dart, which covered the battlefield in thick smoke and hid the movements of armored formations. To glibly characterize everything found in this ancient literature as imaginary, and summarily dismiss it as unreal...has been the practice of many scholars till quite recently."

Today, scientists and military men recognize the super-weapons described in the Mahabharata; but this wasn't the case 100+ years ago.  One brilliant translator of the saga, P. Chandra Roy, said in the 1850s:  "To the English reader, there is much in this book that will strike him as ridiculous." ...And in 1884, the translator Kisari Mohan Ganguli added:  "There are verses in the Mahabharata which are exceedingly difficult to construe."

But what was mysterious or ridiculous in the 1800s seems perfectly understandable to us in today's world of high-tech weaponry. The following excerpt from the Mahabharata is chillingly familiar to all of us, even though it is separated from our own atomic age by 8000 years:
"A single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe.  An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor.  It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes...the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas."

---Editor's Interjection:  Please note, the last quote seemed to be an extravagant exaggeration to denote the extreme force behind this particular weapon used during the times of ancient Star Wars.  It didn't literally nor could it possibly be charged with all the power of the Universe... ---

Then, in a horror that invokes the memories of Hiroshima, the saga goes on: "The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable.  Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.  After a few hours the foodstuffs were all infected, and to escape the fire...the soldiers threw themselves into the river..."

Do the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the Mahavira Charita and other Indian classics, describe a war fought between armies of ancient astronauts for possession of this planet?  Or does it describe an experiment that went terribly wrong?  Did the extraterrestrials seek to advance mankind's knowledge by giving him the secrets of atomic energy for peaceful purposes?  And did man misuse that knowledge, building not power plants, but weapons?

The ancient astronauts' bold experiment may have been destroyed on the plains of northern India in 6000 B.C., plunging man into a dark age that was to last almost 8000 years. Could it be that we are now, if we are not careful, on the brink of repeating that horror?

Editor's Comment:
This chapter provided relatively simple concepts that ultimately leads to the possibility of us repeating our past mistakes - which is very possible.  What will throw many narrow minded folks for a loop, is the concept that suggests that the human race was assisted with the help of aliens from another planet.  Most people stuck within the limits of mundane thoughts, will always be limited to a degree.  Either way, we've been visited many times before.  Life is all throughout the cosmos, not just stuck here on this lovely planet of ours.

---End of Post 'The Mahabharata & Ancient Star Wars - Fact or Fiction?'

Semi-related Post: "Beowulf - Fact or Fiction?"

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Interbreeding Species of Ancient Humans

I recently read an article over a newly discovered species of humans that could have performed a few interbreeding activities with some our ancient ancestors. It goes on to say:
"Scientists say an entirely separate type of human identified from bones in Siberia co-existed and interbred with our own species. The ancient humans have been dubbed Denisovans after the caves in Siberia where their remains were found. There is also evidence that this group was widespread in Eurasia. A study in Nature journal shows that Denisovans co-existed with Neanderthals and interbred with our species - perhaps around 50,000 years ago." Read more, here:

This reminds me of a few years ago, when they discovered a dwarf-like humanoid/chimp called the "Homo floresiensis." There was lots of debate there, and some people thought that it was a dwarfed version of the evolving humanoid, but later they started to see that the evidence led to what I originally thought a few years ago, and that being it was a separate species all together. By what I read and seen back then, when it first hit the media, the Homo floresiensis was more closely related to a monkey than anything else. I just looked at it as an advanced midget ape with keen survival skills and stumbled along into something else without giving it much thought. I just don't waste time pondering over trivial stuff.

Anyway, back to the original subject concerning the Denisovans: What makes this so mysterious, is the missing link between Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, Denisovans (the ones spoke about in that article link) and the Homo sapiens (the species of today). It seems that all the other species quickly disappear after the Homo sapiens arrived at this beautiful scene hosted by planet Earth. Some folks get creative and even go as far as saying that aliens from another planet came down here and altered the DNA of the Homo Erectus by interbreeding it with more advanced beings or by performing genetic alterations by using some advanced form of science, to create the Homo sapiens. Then again, you'll have the creationists battling the evolutionists in what is or isn't possible.
I must say, though, when it comes to macro-evolution theories, their concepts of speciation do seem to be quite asinine, to say the least!
At any rate, when it comes to today's humanoids, the interest levels over subjects like this, often splits into 4 groups:
1) Scientists, 2) Religionists/Creationists, 3) Creative open-minded thinkers, and 4) the ones who just don't give a crap either way, as long as they got plenty food to eat and various forms of entertainment at hand.

I once wrote about a related subject, here:  "Theory of Evolution: Where is the Missing Link between Homo erectus & Homo sapiens"

At times, when researching the origins of life and our ancient ancestors, it can be perplexing and hilarious all at the same time. At any rate, no one actually knows for sure just what all could have happened in the past, but it makes for some excellent debate, arguments, stories, and science fiction tales or flicks. Hey, I just thought of a movie that sort of relates to this subject, well, in an inverted way. Ha-ha!

---'Click Here' to Search for 'Planet of the Apes' DVDs

Woot-woot!  ---End of Post 'Interbreeding Species of Ancient Humans'

Monday, December 20, 2010

...Other Sacred Rocks & Stones

Recently, I did a post about the sacred rock formation of Uluru (Ayers Rock). Today, I thought that it would be nice to add a "Part 2" to this subject and mention a few other sacred rocks & stones. Of course, there are many more mysterious stones and rocks on this planet, but I'll just add them to this blog sporadically. 

Speaking of mythical mysteries, I was going to also provide images and information about the "Dropa Stones" on this post, but after finding a lot of questionable, duplicated content that stemmed from the two main Dropa stories that are commonly found on the Internet with no solid evidence whatsoever, I decided to omit that from this subject. If you're wondering, the Dropa stones supposedly were discovered in caves and contained information that was written by aliens who crash-landed on this planet via a misguided, malfunctioning space probe. They were unable to repair their spaceship, and they either all died or got killed off by the humanoids who labeled them as short, big-eyed, yellow skinned ugly people, or a few survivors may have made it and formed a tribe of these "short, big-eyed people" that lived here long ago, yada-yada, blah-blah, and the story goes on without any real anything. However, subjects like that are always worthy of appearing on a myths, legends, & folklore blog, such as this one, but the Dropa dung will not get a separate post with a title - due to the cloudy tales & legends that I read about online... Enough said; if you're interested, do your own web search over that particular subject. Anyway... 

Below, I'll provide a few pics with a brief description that relate to other sacred rocks & stones found on this lovely blue planet. 

Carnac Stones: The Carnac stones are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the French village of Carnac, in Brittany, consisting of alignments, dolmens, tumuli and single menhirs. 3,000 (or more) prehistoric standing stones were hewn from local rock and erected by the pre-Celtic people of Brittany, and are the largest such collection in the world. Local tradition (legends, myths, and folklore) claims that the reason they stand in such perfectly straight lines is that they are a Roman legion turned to stone by Merlin or Saint Cornelius – Brittany has its own local versions of the Arthurian cycle. A Christian legend associated with the stones held that they were pagan soldiers in pursuit of Pope Cornelius when he turned them to stone. The exact reason for these stones is uncertain, but many believe they may have had some astrological purpose, especially since they run from east to west. At times, when looking at the aerial shots, it just looks like a big graveyard to me, but surely they had more purpose than being massive tombstones. Anyway, read more about these sacred stones, here:

The 3 major groups of Carnac stone rows, as shown below; click to enlarge:

This area also has several dolmens, and are generally thought to have been tombs... I'll provide an image of one below, for an example:

[ Image Credit: ] 

Stonehenge: Around 5,000 years old or more, the Stonehenge in England is a temple-like complex centered around a ring of heavy stones. The exact purpose of such alignment, still remains a mystery today...

Easter Island Statues: Some of these sacred stone heads weigh up to 6 tons each. Rows of these mysterious statues face out towards the sea from Easter Island in the Southern Pacific. It is amazing enough that they carved so many, but most of the astonishment arises when thinking about how they moved such large stones/rocks around...and why??? The purpose for these stones is not certain, but many believe that they represent their ancestors.

  [ Image Credit: ]

  Related pictorial link, featuring ancient, sacred rocks & stones: "The Lost City of the Incas," [Link is no longer active]

---End of Post

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Is Silicon-based life possible?

Well, by our current Earth-bound understanding of science, the typical answer is: "No, it is not possible, but it makes for great science fiction movies."

I asked this question, with silicon being the base for another possible life-form, because that seems to be the most popular suggestion out of all the elements we know about. Personally, I'm more curious about there being life based on other elements that we don't know about or haven't discovered - that is possibly out there, in ample amounts, somewhere in the universe.

Instead of me typing a bunch of subjective opinions that I generally enjoy doing, mainly on other websites and blogs of mine, I'll just provide a couple resources that are not supporting the theory of silicon-based life, but their reasons may provide even more questions and possibilities, depending on your imagination.

1) Conceivably, some strange life-forms might be built from silicone-like substances were it not for an apparently fatal flaw in silicon's biological credentials. This is its powerful affinity for oxygen. When carbon is oxidized during the respiratory process of a terrestrial organism, it becomes the gas carbon dioxide – a waste material that is easy for a creature to remove from its body. The oxidation of silicon, however, yields a solid because, immediately upon formation, silicon dioxide organizes itself into a lattice in which each silicon atom is surrounded by four oxygens. Disposing of such a substance would pose a major respiratory challenge.
Read more, here:

2) Silicon biochemistry: The most commonly proposed basis for an alternative biochemical system is the silicon atom, since silicon has many chemical properties similar to carbon and is in the same periodic table group, the carbon group. Like carbon, silicon can create molecules that are sufficiently large to carry biological information. However, silicon has several drawbacks as a carbon alternative. Silicon, unlike carbon, lacks the ability to form chemical bonds with diverse types of atoms, which permits the chemical versatility necessary for metabolism.
Read more about this and other exotic element-based biochemistries, here:

Okay, now back to the original query, "Is Silicon-based life possible?" This concept has been applied to many fantasy and sci-fi flicks. For example, the original Star Trek series, episode 26, had a show that featured a silicon-based being. This particular show was called "Devil in the Dark." The Horta (a silicon-based life-form) is discovered by miners on Janus VI and every 50,000 years, all the Horta die except for one individual who survives to look after the eggs of the next generation. Anyway, the point is, on a planet with a totally different chemistry and available elements (many elements that could possibly be unknown to us), it is a plausible theory that life may not necessarily have to be limited to the carbon-based category.

I suppose that I could have changed the title of this post to "Does all life have to be carbon-based?" and it would have had the same effect.  Hell, forget about the silicon-based life theories and the doubts therein. Just think about the possibility of all the other exotic elements that we may not even be aware of, that could exist deep within the cosmos. When it comes to the marvels of life itself, the mystery in what makes life possible, and the amazingly stupendous amounts of various types of life that we do know about on this beautiful planet, I'd say that anything could be possible elsewhere...

---End of Post "Is Silicon-based life possible?"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Incas - Sky Gods

  Just as there have been many various types of civilizations throughout time on planet Earth, there have also been many different gods worshipped by the dwellers therein. The Incas were known to be "people of the sun" and they were also very into the notion of "Sky Gods," as well. 

This sort of stuff just reminds me of how people think without knowing a science behind things. I'm not saying that there isn't a force or a higher being or beings behind some things, but then again, what is so mysterious about that? Hell, I'd hate to know that the Homo sapiens on planet Earth are the most advanced race in the universe. Now that's a scary thought... Ha-ha! 

Anyway, if a person didn't know any better and they heard a loud thunder, for example, what else would they have thought back then? The same applies to lightning and all the other creative activity that happens in the sky, hence forth the "Sky Gods" in full mythical force. 

The Incas main divinity, as far as existence is concerned, was Viracocha, and was the great creator god in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology in the Andes region of South America. Viracocha was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and the Incas believed that this deity was the creator of all things, or the source from which all things derived from, and this particular Inca god was also associated with the sea in an intrinsic fashion. Obviously, the ancient Incas believed that Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon, stars, time (by commanding the sun to move over the sky) and civilization itself, as would most people who worship creator gods under any name.

Inti was the Incan sun god, the ruler of the daytime. This may have been the most important god of the Incas, as far as daily living is concerned, for very apparent reasons (we all need the sun, ya know...).

Mama Kilya, also known as Mama Quilla, was the moon goddess and ruler of the night. One could say that the Incas looked at Inti as the divine male and Mama Kilya as the divine female. Also, they represented Inti with gold and Mama Quilla with silver.

Illapu, also known as Illapa, was the Incan thunder god. Illapu was also known as the provider of rain, and they often prayed for such things, since rain is a necessary thing, duh...

I just read in a mythology book that mentioned some deity called "Chuichu." It said that the Incas believed in a rainbow god that was a two-headed dragon-like deity called Chuichu. They knew that the rainbow somehow related to the sun or the sun's rays, but due to the lack of understanding back then, which is understandable, they couldn't figure it out - so why not just label it as a god, since it is simpler to blame it on a god-like being, ya know...

Additional Link: Incas - Aliens & Ancient Astronauts [Link is no longer active, but the last 25% of that page is posted here: Mysterious Pyramids of Giza]

---End of Post "Incas - Sky Gods"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sacred Ayers Rock - Uluru

   Found within the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia, this particular rock formation is very sacred to the aboriginal people. Ayers rock, also known as "Uluru," has many caves, springs, ancient artwork, waterholes, and so on. The Aborigines believe that the rock caves found inside the Uluru have spiritual significance. This mighty sandstone has been weathered over time, but still stands 1,142 feet above the plains and is an incredible 5.8 miles around (the circumference). 

Ayers rock often seems to change color, depending on the angle of the sun, with its most attractive moment being during sunsets, as it often appears to glow red. 

Image of the Uluru, below:

As with most subjects that deal with ancient times & history, the Sacred Ayers Rock comes with many myths & legends. For example: The sacred Uluru is in the middle of the Simpson Desert. Even though it appears to just be a giant land mass in the middle of a desert, the Aborigines think of it as a symbol of all creation. There is an Aborigine legend that Uluru was once an ocean, but after a great battle at its shores, it rose up in revolt at the bloodshed, forming the great blood-colored rock that you often see glow red, during sunset, like I mentioned before. 

Every feature on Ayers Rock has a special meaning to these people, such as: a pair of holes are the eyes of an ancestor; a mark down the side is the blood of the "venomous snake people," shed in a battle, and on and on and on... As you can see, I'm stopping right there and I'm not about to get into all the myths, legends, and folklore that spawned from the Uluru - as this post would become too large.

Australian Aboriginal Proverb: "We are all visitors to this time, this place... Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love and then we return home."

At any rate, I just wanted to drop down a couple images of this sacred, massive chunk of a rock formation, as it is still very interesting to look at...

---Side Note: If you're interested in traveling and/or taking a vacation near this sacred rock formation, visit: 

-Ayers Rock Resort website says: "With over 65 tours, local activities and attractions within the Resort and the Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park, your days will be action-packed. Ride a camel across the desert dunes. Hop on a Harley or embark on a base walk of Uluru (Ayers Rock).

That travel website also has lots of resources, galleries, stories, etc. I just seen an interesting page on there, called "5 fascinating critters to find in Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park." The 5 listed were: Brush-Tail Mulgara, Splendid Fairy-Wren, Blue-Tongued Lizard, Rufous Hare-Wallaby, and the Thorny Devil. But then again, if you're more interested in exotic creatures, you should probably head on over to the Nature & Wildlife Blog. Anyway, I'm just rambling now...

 ---End of Post "Sacred Ayers Rock - Uluru"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Were the Dinosaurs Cold-Blooded or Warm-Blooded?

I was recently discussing this interesting subject with a friend of mine, several days ago, after I did my "Death of the Neanderthals & Dinosaurs" post. Anyway, I know that it has long been said within the scientific community that all of the Dinosaurs were cold-blooded creatures, but I just don't think that it is possible for ALL of them to have been that way. I've never really checked on it or researched it, nor was I even aware that it was a debatable topic, until a couple days ago. Simply put, the cold-blooded theory may very well just be a misguided myth.

* Update: Below, when I originally wrote this post, the resource links provided were for 2 separate pages.  A few years later, their domain name changed and they combined both pages into one.  So, for the ones looking to follow those links after reading this post, simply go here:  Were Dinosaurs Warm-Blooded? ( ---End of Update *

After thinking about it, I went and did a web search and within a few seconds, I found an article on an established, trusted website, talking about this very issue. It was a 2-page article; both pages are not very long, so it doesn't take but a moment to read. First, let's just skip page one for now and head right into the Pros & Cons on page 2:
Okay, I hope that you have read page 2 already and are ready to move on... On page one, it states that the weakest argument in which supports the theory of cold-blooded dinosaurs is: "Since modern reptiles and lizards are cold-blooded, it made sense that “lizard-like” creatures like dinosaurs must have been cold-blooded, too." It also goes on to say: "This received view of dinosaurs began to change in the late 1960s, when a handful of paleontologists, chief among them Robert Bakker and John Ostrom, began to promulgate a picture of dinosaurs as fast, quick-witted, energetic creatures, more akin to modern mammalian predators than the lumbering lizards of myth. The problem was, it would be extremely difficult for a Tyrannosaurus Rex to maintain such an active lifestyle if it was cold-blooded -- leading to the theory that dinosaurs may in fact have been endotherms." To read more from page one, visit:

I didn't even realize it was debatable, like I said earlier, until just a few days ago. Personally, I'm in between the two conflicting theories of warm-blooded versus the cold-blooded claims, and I think that there were both types of creatures back then. I have to agree with the prior statement, though, and that being it would be difficult trying to imagine a T. Rex, for example, being anything but warm-blooded. I think many scientists just want to believe they were cold-blooded because it is easier to accept - since dinosaurs are known and often labeled as "giant lizards."

It is very possible that we will never know the actual answer to any of this, and due to the outlandish differences in the creatures of the past from the ones of today, who is to say that they couldn't have somehow been designed or born with a unique metabolism that is unknown to us - featuring facets of both warm- and cold-blooded traits. Maybe they had the ability to turn on a self-induced, cold-blooded, internal hibernating switch when slowing down the metabolism was necessary for survival, and then have the ability to awaken to a hyper-active, high-calorie burning, warm-blooded eating machine when possible - who knows?
Any theory is about as good as the next, within reason, when speaking about the unknown. It is an interesting subject... If you have any personal theories about the mighty Dinosaurs of the past, feel free to drop them down into the comment field.  [Image:]

---End of Post "Were the Dinosaurs Cold-Blooded or Warm-Blooded?"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Ninth Gate - Hell in a Book

I don't typically do movie reviews, since I'm not a movie buff or whatever.
However, since this site is about myths, legends, and folklore, I thought I'd add a movie promo to the mix that semi-relates to the wooism at hand. Ha! I tell ya one thing that this film made me feel, and that being the need to read more mythical books so I can be as much of a lunatic as these other folks that seem to be befuddled by the madness amid the chaos of creation! Yes, that's right. This isn't a movie review at all, actually; it is simply a "calling" to be a temporary nutjob via the literature that is readily available to the public. Call it "the word" or call it "total BS," but in all true justness, it is all the freakin' same.
I'm not really into the theory of hell, heaven, the devil, or even the divine worship of dictatorial law, but this movie is worth a look, if you're desperate for something that might inspire you to seek woo-woo verbiage from ancient books, etc. Yes, the film "The Ninth Gate" was merely "hell in a book." Cheers now, in all its utter glory of superstition! Oh, but ain't it fun?
---Side Note: Click on the DVD Images below, if you're interested in purchasing this kooky film...

Critics say (from Wikipedia): Most movie reviewers said that the suspense in The Ninth Gate was less than that of Rosemary’s Baby (1968), director Polanski’s famous supernatural-themed film. The Ninth Gate holds a 40 percent rating at Rotten Tomatoes (26% among “Cream of the Crop” critics) and a metascore of 44 on Metacritic. Roger Ebert said the ending was lackluster, “while at the end, I didn’t yearn for spectacular special effects, I did wish for spectacular information — something awesome, not just a fade-to-white.” In his review for The New York Times, Elvis Mitchell said the movie was “about as scary as a sock-puppet re-enactment of The Blair Witch Project, and not nearly as funny.” Entertainment Weekly rated the film “D+,” and Lisa Schwarzbaum said it had an “aroma of middle-brow, art-house Euro-rot, a whiff of decay and hauteur in a film not even a star as foxed, and foxy, as Johnny Depp, himself, could save.” In the Los Angeles Times, Kenneth Turan said the film was “too laid-back, and unconcerned about the pacing of its story to be satisfying,” because “a thriller that’s not high-powered, is an intriguing concept, in reality it can hold our attention for only so long.” In the Village Voice, J. Hoberman said the film was “barely releasable hokum, stuffed with cheesy blah-blah.” Read more, here:

My take on the critics' review: What in the hell were these people expecting, a dang epiphany of eternal awareness? It was just a movie that inspired mythical thinking along with the concept of ancient literature that can possibly get lost or misconstrued or reinterpreted to the point of altered value.
I think it was a decent film, so find your own 9th gate of hell, and go read some books or something! 
The back of the DVD says: "Johnny Depp goes head-to-head with Lucifer in Roman Polanski's new thriller." Johnny Depp stars as Dean Corso, an unscrupulous rare-book dealer who is hired to locate the last remaining copies of "The Nine Gates of the Shadow Kingdom," a demonic manuscript that can summon the devil [from hell]. Corso becomes embroiled in a conspiracy involving murder, theft and satanic ritual, and ultimately finds himself confronting the devil incarnate [sexy whore].
---Related Link: Witchcraft - Folklore - Satanic - Sorcery

---End of Post "The Ninth Gate - Hell in a Book"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why do we Study Myths & Folklore?

After perusing over some website stats, the other day, looking for keywords used and/or pages visited, etc., I came across a query that someone typed into the search bar which took them to the home page of this particular blog site: "Why do we study myths & folklore?"

I thought to myself, "Ya know, that's a good question that many people may often ask." Even though, I thought that I briefly answered it in the past, when I did my post "Why Myths are Noteworthy..."

To supplement my short post "Why Myths are Noteworthy," I found another good explanation for this query online, below:

"Mythology is the study of myth. Myths are ancient stories that have been handed down from generation to generation in a certain culture. By studying myth, a person can learn how a culture thought, lived, and expressed themselves. HISTORY can tell you facts about various types of people, but MYTH shows you the personality, their beliefs, fears, and hopes. Relying solely on HISTORY to tell you about different races, tribes, groups, etc., is like reading a person's driver's license instead of meeting him/her face-to-face." [ I only made a few edits from the original source: ]

This next link provides a page with a little more elaboration upon the subject. The web page is entitled, "Why Study Folklore?" And you can find it here: [Link is no longer valid]

Basically, without all the excess verbiage: We study myths, legends, & folklore because it is interesting and because we can. I find no surprise in the fact that other human beings like to study other people's emotions, feelings, and beliefs. Besides, what deeper dimension is there to delve into, other than the vast imagination of mankind and the human expressions therein...?

---End of Post "Why do we Study Myths & Folklore?"

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mysterious Pyramids of Giza

Of course, all ancient pyramids seem to have a touch of mysterious construction to them, but none compared to the great pyramids of Giza......

Symbolic Constructs of Star Worship Are these merely symbolic constructions of star worship, or is all that effort for diverse reasons and divine purposes? Either way, they are still magnificent and a pleasure to look at, even after all these years. They have withstood the test of time, and one can only imagine how glorious they shined, long ago. I have read somewhere before, that they used to emit a bright white glow.

But the question still remains, when it comes to these mysterious, great pyramids of Giza: How did they build 'em? Below, I'll provide a few links that relate to this subject, along with a Wikipedia link for further reading.
So, what's your theory? Were the people of Ancient Egypt simply more advanced than what many of us give them credit for? They definitely were not lazy, unlike the typical Americans of today. Ha-ha! Here's another common question: Did they get help from extraterrestrials and/or aliens that came from another planet, region in space, time, dimension or from a completely different universe? Is there a complex, secret tunnel system below them that leads to more mysterious wonders? Are these pyramids of Giza used more for aerial landmarks for visiting UFOs? Ahh, the queries we often ponder...

Related Links:
"In partially solving a mystery that has baffled archaeologists for centuries, a Drexel University professor has determined that the Great Pyramids of Giza were constructed with a combination of not only carved stones but the first blocks of limestone-based concrete cast by any civilization." Read More:

"The Aztecs, Mayans and ancient Egyptians were three very different civilizations with one very large similarity: pyramids. However, of these three ancient cultures, the Egyptians set the standard for what most people recognize as classic pyramid design: massive monuments with a square base and four smooth-sided triangular sides, rising to a point. The Aztecs and Mayans built their pyramids with tiered steps and a flat top." Read More:

"Many alternative, often contradictory, theories have been proposed regarding the pyramid's construction techniques. Not all agree even that the blocks were quarried. Davidovits claims that they were cast in situ using a "limestone concrete," a theory which is rejected by other Egyptologists. The rest accept that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry, being unable to agree only on whether they were dragged, lifted or even rolled into place." Read More:

Image of a massive, mysterious pyramid from Giza:

Update: These next few paragraphs come from another website of mine that I deleted a while back. I'll will paste the end part of an 'ancient aliens' article that was called "Incas - Aliens & Ancient Astronauts." Most of the article was about the Bogota models that looked like advanced aircraft, which fueled the ancient astronaut theorists into saying the Incas were given advanced technology from the aliens, etc. Many experts & archaeologists tried to deny it and say that they were religious artifacts and represented birds and flying fish. Yeah, that definitely doesn't relate to the mysterious Pyramids of Giza, so I will omit 75% of that page, but I'll post the last bit that is relevant:

Recent archaeological evidence puts man in South America as long as 250,000 years ago. As the New York Times reported in 1972: "Archaeologists have found relatively sophisticated stone tools in an ancient Mexican stream bed.  These tools were considerably more advanced than those used in Europe and Asia 250,000 years ago. The least sophisticated were of a type used in the Old World 35,000 to 40,000 years ago."

It seems that the South Americans, even earlier in history, were 200,000 years more advanced than the Stone Age peoples of Europe and Asia.  Could careful nurturing by ancient astronauts be the answer?  Dr. Reyes-Scott says:
"It is highly probable that ancient astronauts first helped the people of South America before moving on to Europe and other places. They taught the Inca the principles of flight and even showed them how to build jet aircraft.  I am convinced the great pyramids of South America and later Egypt were constructed using heavy earthmoving equipment supplied by the aliens.  The Inca knew how valuable these gifts were - that is why they made models of them in their most precious metal - gold.  I don't believe these alien astronauts have ever completely left us.  The recent surge in UFO activity all over the world tells me they are still out there; and they are still willing to teach us -if only we will listen."
Editor's Comment:  
This is another great chapter within the primary query, "Were the first Earthmen Astronauts?"  I like how at the end of this article, we get to bring up the interesting topic of "how the ancient pyramids were constructed?"  Me, along with a few other people I've talked to about this subject, have all wondered and/or believed that man had to have "outside, otherworldly help" to erect and create those giant pyramids of Giza along with other pyramids, monolithic things, etc., that isn't mentioned on this page. However, there is also a good chance that there were simply more advanced technologies back then that we are just not aware of. If one really starts thinking about it, the perfect time for aliens to enter a planet that is already inhabited, is during its most primitive state.  Then again, who is to say that the aliens didn't create us to start with.  However, if they did or didn't alter or create our species, it doesn't matter - but regardless, they have been here before and hopefully shall return in a conspicuous, prominent fashion as opposed to the constant pop-up sightings via the air & water. ---End of Update

---End of Post "Mysterious Pyramids of Giza"

Saturday, November 6, 2010

'Holier than Thou' Christians & the Hell that Makes No Sense

This will now be a 2-part post since I've recently deleted an old website of mine and decided to combine the related pages before I start distributing the other articles amid multiple blogs, etc. But back to the subject at hand...

Part 1: 'Holier than Thou' Christians are Pathetic!

As I mention on my last post, "What about this God thing?," I needed to add a couple organized religion-related posts to this blog, since it is entitled "Myths, Legends, & Folklore."

I'll make this a short entry in case, later on down the road, a bunch of "Holier than Thou" Christians decide to stampede towards this post and type me a bunch of fictitious stories filled with fairy tales and hogwash into the comment field, so I'd hate to take up too much space, ya know...

The reason I'm writing this post is because I got reminded the other day just how pathetic a self-righteous, self-proclaimed, "only I have the path to enlightenment" type of Christian is. You know, the kind that think they are the one who has found the universal needle in the galactic haystack and that they should pity you because you haven't been "saved" by Jesus even though this person who, for whatever reason, doesn't seem to have an authentic birth date. Ha-ha! How in the hell can you not have a known birth date while supposedly being so well known, performing miracles, walking on water, and so on? WTF?

Anyway, I'm not even going to bother pointing out obvious contradictions from the bi-polar ways of the Old & New Testament, as I'm just here to provide a quick blog post (with an enticing title) on the subject and perhaps we can argue later on. In fact, I occasionally splurge and go into other people's blogs or forums and debate, argue, use profanity, laugh at, mock, jeer, ridicule, and all that good, fun stuff; you name it... The bad part about that, there is usually a lot of censorship on those "Holier than Thou" websites, so I often end up on Atheist websites, blogs or pages, so there is a better chance at not getting deleted or censored. [I'll provide a good example, in a moment.]

Well, to make a long story short, the other day my girlfriend's mom (self-righteous Christian) decided to stick her nose in our relationship, and confronted me with this "I'm worried about your relationship with my daughter" crap. She was blaming me for stuff and telling me that my girlfriend was running from Jesus because of me. Oh really? I found that to be interesting, since I didn't know this guy has been chasing her! LOL!

Her mom nearly pissed me off a few times during our stupid conversation, and she finally realized that I wasn't falling for that "I feel so bad for the unsaved ones" horse shit! I told her that my religion wasn't in a book and that I have a "religion of self." Her and the religion she spewed outward, got in her car and drove off. People really need to mind their own business and quit trying to tell other people how to live their lives! Her mom also thought it was so evil and dark of me that I drink beer. Holy mythical Moses! Where is Dionysus the God of Wine when you need him? Look out now, I'm a wicked demon who drinks the boogy-boogyman beer! Oh, please!

I could include a lot more detail, but you don't want to hear about all of that drama. The point is, not all Christians are like this. Not every Christian walks around like their excrement doesn't stink. Thankfully, not everyone believes these pompous "Holier than Thou" bastards and doesn't fall for their baloney. Some of these super-Christians have their head stuck so far up their bunghole, they don't even realize that they have a mental disorder that leads to deception and the vulnerability therein! Some of these kooks are so gullible, they could be brainwashed to shove dull machetes up their own sphincter if they were promised an eternity in heaven! Ha-ha!
So, save your pity for all of the "unsaved" ones because y'all are so damn pathetic, it is actually funny!

Oh, no! It's Evil!  Ha-ha!
---End of Part 1: 'Holier than Thou' Christians are Pathetic!

Part 2: Christian’s Version of “Hell” makes no sense!

For the most part, I usually steer clear from religious subjects on this blog, but it doesn’t hurt to throw in some random divine dung on occasions, right?   Sort of like when I did the post a while back that was entitled “What in the Hell is Kabbalah?”

Anyway, I’m not into “organized” religions.  At times, some of these “religions” seem to cause more harm than good, start wars, etc.  The way I look at it:  If you can find something good out of religions and it makes you a better person or helps you in whatever way with your own life, then that is great. BUT, if you find yourself frequently judging, soliciting, and trying to pervade other people’s life with your religious opinions, then maybe you need to re-evaluate your own belief system.  Speaking of that, I did a religion-related post over at a myth & folklore blog a while back, and you can find it here with the title: ‘Holier than Thou’ Christians are Pathetic! [It is now Part 1 of this post, up above.]

Okay, now back to the original subject “Christian’s Version of ‘Hell’ makes no sense!”

Instead of going on and on about contradictions and the obvious unfair, unjust concepts of Hell, I’ll just keep it short and drop down a couple simple scenarios below.  If there are any “Christians” out there who has an ultimate answer for this post, feel free to use the comment field to spread further enlightenment and all-knowing knowledge into the masses of “unsaved” ones that you supposed to pity ever-so dearly…

A typical Christian’s version of the ‘Hell’ Scenario gone wrong:  

[Of course, I’m using fictional characters with no relation to any real-life events.]

Scenario #1 – Let's say a guy named Luke grew up with good raising.  He was a spoiled little bastard that aways wanted the best of everything and always got what he wanted.  Well, later on, he became bored with life.  When he grew older, he started having fantasies that involved murdering people for fun.  With lots of plotting and planning, he later went on to become a serial killer at age 30. This guy ended up killing 35 people over a period of 20 years before finally getting caught. In addition to that, he had a fetish for raping young girls.  Now, he sits in prison for life, with no hope of ever getting out.  Well, after he reached the age of 55, he starts to feel bad for what he has done, and starts getting into the beloved Christianity, and gets “saved” and blessed with eternal life because he “found Jesus” in prison.  

Verdict:  By Christian belief, this bad guy is not going to “Hell.”

Scenario #2 – Let's say a guy named John grew up living the tough life.  He was a farmer, hunter, fisherman, and held a full-time job in the construction biz.  He was married to a faithful, loving wife and had 5 kids to raise via lots of hard work.  He kept food on the table, had excellent morals, and respected the individual.  John loved the countryside and was very close to nature and wildlife and believed that we should treasure ever moment we have alive.  Well, although John typically stayed out in the country most of the time when he was off, he would still get harassed by Bible-thumpers and Christians who kept trying to get him to go to their church.  They would often ask him, “do you know if you’re going to heaven if you die?  Have you accepted Jesus in your life?”  John would normally look at them straight in the eye, spit on the ground, and tell them to go shove their religion up their bunghole.  John once told a Christian who wanted a donation for their church, to go get a real job or ask their God for the money, and went on with his life.  He said he wanted no part of something he can’t see, feel, or prove that exists and that he is a realist in the real world.  He also asked a Christian one time, “why does Jesus, who was supposed to be so miraculous, not even have a known birthday?”  He got no answer, and never seen the reason for church or religions.

Verdict:  By Christian belief, this good guy is going to “Hell.”

Now, after reading those two scenarios, does the typical Christian’s version of Hell make any sense to you???  Just think, some preachers basically threaten people with an eternal blow torch while telling them they have a “free will.”  That would also be similar to holding a “supposedly” loaded gun to a person’s head and saying, “hey, you are free to have an opinion about this matter, but I will kill you if you disagree with me, so you better just nod, accept, and give me your money.”  Hmm, it makes no sense to me……  Well, unless you find justice in armed robbery using a fake gun.  Ha-ha-ha! 

Since Part 2 of this post was from another website of mine that I recently deleted, I shall include the tiny comment field that came with it, below:

Comment #1:
Alfonso says:
September 1, 2011 at 6:14 pm
Both of these guys, whether good or bad from Hitler to the Pope are sinners! If you commit one sin you will be found guilty and you will go to hell! Simple! Bible says everyone is a sinner, hence everyone is going to hell! But, through the Grace of Jesus a path to heaven is established! The first guy is a really evil man, but he changes his ways! Only the Lord knows if the change is for real or not! This is not for me to judge! I still wouldn’t trust him around my family! The second guy is a decent guy, but still a sinner! Hence, he is going to hell! Like the bible says ” All have sinned ” Jesus is the only way to heaven! Whether it makes sense to you are not it doesn’t matter! Those are His rules! In your home, if you do not like smokers to smoke in your home then that is your rule and I assume you will not let them into your home, same thing! Heaven is Jesus’s home, and he has setup his own rules for entry!
This makes perfect sense for me! Hope this helps! Take Care!

Comment #2:
Administrator (Me) says:
September 2, 2011 at 12:31 am
Hi, Alfonso…

Thanks for your comment and opinion, as I welcome any input about this subject.

You are definitely describing the Christian version of Hell and, although it may make sense to you, it still makes no sense to me. Then again, I don’t have my “religious blinders” on, either.
Maybe I can ask the aliens, if they ever return, a few of these questions.
Perhaps they can explain to us how and why they altered our DNA (if they actually did) from our prior Homo Erectus days to form the species known as the Homo Sapiens of today.
Were the Neanderthal people free from sin?
Did the Homo Erectus have a free ride to heaven?
Was the Cro-Magnum man truly wicked?
Maybe the Cavemen were good guys after all?
Is the Homo Sapiens the only species that Christians threaten with their Hell concepts?
Why does nobody know Jesus’ birthday?
So many questions with so little answers…

Thanks again for dropping by and commenting; have a great day! Cheers!

---End of previous comment field.

---End of Part 2: Christian’s Version of “Hell” makes no sense!

Image Credit: [link is no longer active]

---End of Post 'Holier than Thou' Christians & the Hell that Makes No Sense

Thursday, November 4, 2010

God is from another Dimension...

This will now be a 2-part post since I recently deleted an old website of mine and decided to combine the related pages together before I start re-posting the stand-alone articles amid multiple blogs, etc. But back to the subject at hand...

Part 1: "What about this God thing?"

This blog, for the most part, is just a bunch of woo-woo anyway, consisting mostly of mythical madness, alien theories, a few interesting subjects here & there, and loads of colorful piles of steaming dung, but ya know something: I haven't added any religious garbage or anything that relates to this current "God thing" - the battle that many organized religions often fight over. You know, that thing that has caused many wars over the last several hundred years, or thousands, who knows... So, I think I need to add a couple religion posts on here, since this blogspot blog is entitled, "Myths, Legends, & Folklore."

Well, I'm not into organized religions in the slightest. I usually try to avoid religious debates unless, well, I'm just looking for the fun found within arguing, a.k.a. fighting. ;)

However, I'm not an atheist. I believe in a religion of 'self" that eventually leads to the unavoidable theory of unity. Basically, we are all a part of this "thing" that many people refer to as God, without all the super-heroes and saviors. I would hope to think we are on our own different paths & levels via various types of vessels (capsules/bodies) that transport the souls (that invisible force or spirit from inside with static memory & energy) from place to place. But we can't find God externally, as it is all internal and/or coming from within our personal capsules. Just picture one massive, eternal, divine consciousness split into endless dividends, all trying to find itself via experiences. Hence forth, it is all about the experience.
Anyway, that's enough of my hogwash for now because I'm really just talking out of my backside and all I know for sure, is that organized religions suck for some of us. Some religions remind me of Elementary School with a blow torch being used as punishment as opposed to a paddle, but hey, some people just need to keep re-taking the same classes, I suppose, and need Heaven & Hell concepts for scare tactics and motivation. How silly. Anyway...

I'm writing this post because I recently ran across a spiritual site that didn't have all that selfish garbage that most organized religions do, when it comes to the question, "What about God?" I tried to join this site, but I think I got labelled as spam or whatever. Perhaps I got too carried away on my profile answers for their eccentric questions and freaked them out, I don't know. Ha-ha-ha!

Anyway, not that I agree with all of it, but here is an excerpt from one of their pages:
"There is no concept that can define God. That power some call God is the source of all. It is the over-arching divine consciousness that guides and directs all life in form and non-form. We know God by knowing our true selves. We do not need to consciously understand, rationalize or define God for God to be real. Like us, God Just IS. We accept there is great power in who we are, and the processes of how we each came to be. Yet each is free to formulate their own interpretation of what that power is, yet to do so may prove futile. However, we can come to understand aspects of God. Like the fact that God pervades each and every one of us, exists both within us, around us and is intricately connected to us. God works with us and through us, and for that we honor and love God through divine service and existing in a state of least resistance to God. We honor the process and honor our own role within it. To see through the illusionary nature of form and see clearly each and every being, non-dual nature. To see the God aspect in each other, and to love God."

Source/Website: (link is no longer valid, but their main website appears to still be up and running)

It looks like a pretty neat site, but it is probably good that I got labelled as spam or hell, maybe a divine glitch occurred during the sign-up process, who knows. The reason I say it's good that I didn't join, is because I would have probably offended some of the sensitive pansies - especially since I'm not very good at pretending to agree or to like someone and would have probably left comments on some of the "works" that would have led to me getting banned or deleted, like I do on most other opinionated websites. Ha! Hey, check it out, if you think it's for you - especially if you're spiritual but not into religions AND are good at playing by the rules, which I'm not. Ha-ha!

---Related Link:  "God is from another Dimension..." [Link is no longer active, but it is now Part 2 of this post.]

Image Credit: Free to use & share via

---End of Post "What about this God thing?"

Part 2: "God is from another Dimension…"

Original Post Date: 7-9-2012

Side Note: I’m intentionally making this particular article short and sweet, as the comment field should eventually fill out the rest of this silly, futile story. I do realize how sensitive the subject matter is, and would hate to be overly elaborate at the wordy forefront of grand verbosity, when the background noise shall provide all the chaos we need in all of its utter pomposities……

I’m so sick and tired of hearing the whines and moans of not only atheists and religionists trying to “prove” their case, but also those wannabe, innocent little agnostics who claim to be “sitting on the fence” while avoiding conflict due to their own thoughts, which, at times, seems to be even more stupid and cause even more fights, when they debate about this subject.

…But before those beloved “middle ground,” grey area lovers even try to comment with vitriol, I must say that a true “agnostic” would shy away from such conversations, albeit there is nothing like a simple-minded agnostic jumping in the middle of a heated debate between a group of angry atheists and a herd of disgruntled religionists; ha-ha! Oh, please mind you, those poor little “innocent” agnostics don’t have a side and are simply instigating, if ya will… What a joke! LOL!

Anyway, God is from another dimension, and is not some “sky fairy” or “magical wand-waver” from afar that lives next to the star of Betelgeuse from the constellation of Orion, for example. Please don’t confuse God with the poor little grey aliens that are fleeing their giant, dying, red star and visiting us via UFO action and secret, secret boogy-boogy stuff; geez!

What is it with some of y’all?
Why do some people argue nearly every waking hour that they are online or offline, about God?
Self-conflict and personal issues, anyone? Considering we are all a part of the cosmic situation / eternal existence, I’d say so, wouldn’t you?

Before I say anything more, the other “dimension” that I speak about, is from the inside – within all of us. Yes, dear dawdling darlings, the funnels that create don’t procreate in the same dimension.
Even you, before your dependent little ass was born, wasn’t, what I would call, in the same dimension before birth. [See photo below...]

Even a computer-based game programmer doesn’t visibly live inside the games he/she creates.
But what if we are all endless dividends of the divine programmer?
Emotions aren’t physically visible, either, as they are not considered an object, yet you can sense and feel them, nonetheless. Objects exist throughout the universe, without the need for such sentiment, so if everything was just, uh, simple “matter” that could be explained scientifically, then why is there all the confusion of erratic thoughts?
Are we all scattered into tiny bits from a whole while trying to find all of the parts from within?
No wonder the “theory of evolution” has become a religion for the many lost beings out there who lack intuition and an overall sense of self-awareness!
At any rate…

Oh, some of the so-called “atheists” (such a lame term, by the way) claim to only provide logical and rational thoughts, blah, blah, as you and your anti-God people often say?
Can you also say, “mechanical thoughts?”
Can you also say that “we are all a part of this thing we call God” and that “we are all responsible for our own actions and can either help ‘create’ a better world or, at the same time, be able to destroy the quality of life and shun from egalitarianism in all forms?”

Speaking of that, I provided a pretty cool video on my post entitled “Egalitarianism – Easier Said than Done…,” as you might want to check it out. [Link is temporarily inactive as I haven't relocated that post yet.]

Oh, back to the point:

Rationalists often use that Object/Concept crap, when debating about such matters like God, Religion, and so forth. I usually call this the “dead rock religion.” They basically say, “if it ain’t an object with a location, it doesn’t exist.” …Many atheists use this, for whatever reason. I find the whole entire notion to be quite inane, especially since, going by their logic, the “mind” must not exist, as it is truly not a visible object with a location that can be technically placed with x & y coordinates, among many other things. I’m not talking about the thoughtless brain matter itself, but the “mind” behind and/or inside it, the “stuff” that powers it, as many folks know, that the “mind” is still a medical mystery to this day – ya know, the powers of the mind and whatnot; praise be!

I recently read an interesting web page on this subject, that somewhat paralleled with some of my prior thoughts about God and our existence that I had several years ago, which is somewhat odd, to say the least, although I still basically think the same way towards this subject, as I did several years ago. Anyway, you can find that article, here:

Okay, well, until the day comes when “science” can label the mind that is behind all the thoughts and actions of each individual as an object with a definite location, they will never have any evidence that God (as we are all apart of) doesn’t exist because we all know, deep down, that our thoughts are real even though they are not “technically” considered an object; get real…

What are you waiting for? …Now get the ball rolling; feel free to comment below; cheers!

[Since this post was on a website of mine that I recently deleted, I will also include its comment field below...]

Comment #1: Ree :) says:
July 15, 2012 at 2:10 am
I like this blog:) God means different things to different people. The bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That's a big deal …and that we are made in God's image… who really knows if God even has a sex or the exact way and reason we were created. What matters is it happened.  We are so complex that we often miss the things that are right in front of our faces for whatever reason we overlook the things that should be eye openers and try to dig deeper than what we really need to... only to waste time, causing confusion…and doubt. Kinda like how usually your first thoughts on something is right but then you go wondering if you're really right or asking other people and usually end up being wrong because you over thought it…when you should have stuck with your first instinct, because you had it right all along.

People get hung up on labels when it really doesn’t matter. You should do things in a positive and productive sense no matter what you do. God is in your life... whatever you make God out to be but for me… God is love, God is my protector, creator, friend, I can talk to God and get answers, yes... it does also come from within. That's where God dwells on the inside of us...but only if welcomed can God hang out and become your friend…God is my guide, my help...the over whelming feeling on the inside of me that assures me that there's so much more to this life than what you can prove by what you can see with your eyes and feel with your hands...even though Gods greatest creation is seen in the mirror every day... God gives us free will to choose …what good is it if you only love someone because you have to? It means a lot more to you and the one on the other end of it if you decide to love and let love grow... same as trust... trusting that God loved you enough to not only create you but to keep you and always take you back no matter what you do that God may not approve of...don’t ya think it was already known that you were gonna mess up? Just like babies have to be taught and be put in time out from time to time…you were called by name before you ever had a name...

“I will go before you and level the mountains to make the crooked places straight, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron, I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel who calls you by your name.” Isaiah 45:2-3…Isa 45:5 “I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me.” (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Romans 4:17…..

I’m sure God has tried in personal ways to show us and prove to us in ways that mean something to us... could have been a near death experience...dream, vision, an audible voice...feelings of deja vu ...its endless...we don’t have to understand it all... we just have to accept that its real… and accepting don’t mean you have to have it all figured out... Just accept that something somewhere loves you...and only wants to be acknowledged and loved back… and invited to dwell on the inside of you… kinda like an artist creates a masterpiece... they always sign the bottom to show that… hey this is here and beautiful because I took the time and effort on it… and there is no other like give credit to that person… why not give the credit where its due to someone who cared enough to create you? 

Comment#2: (Me)
Hey there, Thanks for stopping by and writing a blog within my comment field about God; cheers!

Comment #3: Dave says:
July 30, 2012 at 3:18 am
If God is truly a god, then God cannot be constrained by the laws of physics as we know them. If God is so constrained, then God is something less than a god and not worthy of our worship. If saying that God exists in another dimension is a way of understanding this, then all well and good.

Comment #4: (Me)
 Thanks, Dave… Your last sentence really nailed my main point, as I’m hoping that using the “God is from another dimension” terminology – along with a few other examples of such – helps other people understand, who are really just thinking about the non-existent sky fairies and magical wand-wavers while claiming to be atheists. The word ‘everything’ is a really BIG word, ya know…

---End of Previous Comment Field.

Image Credit: [link is no longer active]

---End of Part 2: "God is from another Dimension…"

---End of Post... "Thank God and Hallelujah!" Ha-ha!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Werewolf Syndrome - Extreme Hypertrichosis

Unlike most of the content here, this is not a Myth, nor does it relate to Legends or Folklore. 

The only thing mythical about it, could be if someone seen one of these characters running around with extreme Hypertrichosis, while thinking they just witnessed a malign being, and screamed, "I seen a Werewolf!" Now that could get some wild stories started in a hurry, that would later turn into Myths & Folklore. 

I'll make this post fairly short, but mainly just wanted to drop down a few images of this bizarre syndrome and to also possibly inform the ones out there who have never heard of it. Anyway, Hypertrichosis obviously involves abnormal hair growth. It can either be over the entire body or it can be localized in certain areas. The Werewolf Syndrome is also often classified under "Acquired" Hypertrichosis (which appears after birth) or "Congenital" Hypertrichosis (which is rare but present at birth due to a genetic mutation). 

To read more about this outlandish, abnormal hair growth disorder, visit: 

Check out a couple images below:

I have read about how some people in the past that suffered with extreme Hypertrichosis often found jobs at the circus. I understand that many of them are just trying to deal with the hand they are dealt, but can you imagine the mental stress one would have to go through if they wanted to fit in with society... In contrast, I have also read that some people with this particular syndrome attempt no treatments and say that it defines them as a person and/or who they are. Now that's a positive attitude, to say the least. Well, either way, this is some freaky-looking stuff!

---End of Post "Werewolf Syndrome - Extreme Hypertrichosis"