Thursday, November 4, 2010

God is from another Dimension...

This will now be a 2-part post since I recently deleted an old website of mine and decided to combine the related pages together before I start re-posting the stand-alone articles amid multiple blogs, etc. But back to the subject at hand...

Part 1: "What about this God thing?"

This blog, for the most part, is just a bunch of woo-woo anyway, consisting mostly of mythical madness, alien theories, a few interesting subjects here & there, and loads of colorful piles of steaming dung, but ya know something: I haven't added any religious garbage or anything that relates to this current "God thing" - the battle that many organized religions often fight over. You know, that thing that has caused many wars over the last several hundred years, or thousands, who knows... So, I think I need to add a couple religion posts on here, since this blogspot blog is entitled, "Myths, Legends, & Folklore."

Well, I'm not into organized religions in the slightest. I usually try to avoid religious debates unless, well, I'm just looking for the fun found within arguing, a.k.a. fighting. ;)

However, I'm not an atheist. I believe in a religion of 'self" that eventually leads to the unavoidable theory of unity. Basically, we are all a part of this "thing" that many people refer to as God, without all the super-heroes and saviors. I would hope to think we are on our own different paths & levels via various types of vessels (capsules/bodies) that transport the souls (that invisible force or spirit from inside with static memory & energy) from place to place. But we can't find God externally, as it is all internal and/or coming from within our personal capsules. Just picture one massive, eternal, divine consciousness split into endless dividends, all trying to find itself via experiences. Hence forth, it is all about the experience.
Anyway, that's enough of my hogwash for now because I'm really just talking out of my backside and all I know for sure, is that organized religions suck for some of us. Some religions remind me of Elementary School with a blow torch being used as punishment as opposed to a paddle, but hey, some people just need to keep re-taking the same classes, I suppose, and need Heaven & Hell concepts for scare tactics and motivation. How silly. Anyway...

I'm writing this post because I recently ran across a spiritual site that didn't have all that selfish garbage that most organized religions do, when it comes to the question, "What about God?" I tried to join this site, but I think I got labelled as spam or whatever. Perhaps I got too carried away on my profile answers for their eccentric questions and freaked them out, I don't know. Ha-ha-ha!

Anyway, not that I agree with all of it, but here is an excerpt from one of their pages:
"There is no concept that can define God. That power some call God is the source of all. It is the over-arching divine consciousness that guides and directs all life in form and non-form. We know God by knowing our true selves. We do not need to consciously understand, rationalize or define God for God to be real. Like us, God Just IS. We accept there is great power in who we are, and the processes of how we each came to be. Yet each is free to formulate their own interpretation of what that power is, yet to do so may prove futile. However, we can come to understand aspects of God. Like the fact that God pervades each and every one of us, exists both within us, around us and is intricately connected to us. God works with us and through us, and for that we honor and love God through divine service and existing in a state of least resistance to God. We honor the process and honor our own role within it. To see through the illusionary nature of form and see clearly each and every being, non-dual nature. To see the God aspect in each other, and to love God."

Source/Website: (link is no longer valid, but their main website appears to still be up and running)

It looks like a pretty neat site, but it is probably good that I got labelled as spam or hell, maybe a divine glitch occurred during the sign-up process, who knows. The reason I say it's good that I didn't join, is because I would have probably offended some of the sensitive pansies - especially since I'm not very good at pretending to agree or to like someone and would have probably left comments on some of the "works" that would have led to me getting banned or deleted, like I do on most other opinionated websites. Ha! Hey, check it out, if you think it's for you - especially if you're spiritual but not into religions AND are good at playing by the rules, which I'm not. Ha-ha!

---Related Link:  "God is from another Dimension..." [Link is no longer active, but it is now Part 2 of this post.]

Image Credit: Free to use & share via

---End of Post "What about this God thing?"

Part 2: "God is from another Dimension…"

Original Post Date: 7-9-2012

Side Note: I’m intentionally making this particular article short and sweet, as the comment field should eventually fill out the rest of this silly, futile story. I do realize how sensitive the subject matter is, and would hate to be overly elaborate at the wordy forefront of grand verbosity, when the background noise shall provide all the chaos we need in all of its utter pomposities……

I’m so sick and tired of hearing the whines and moans of not only atheists and religionists trying to “prove” their case, but also those wannabe, innocent little agnostics who claim to be “sitting on the fence” while avoiding conflict due to their own thoughts, which, at times, seems to be even more stupid and cause even more fights, when they debate about this subject.

…But before those beloved “middle ground,” grey area lovers even try to comment with vitriol, I must say that a true “agnostic” would shy away from such conversations, albeit there is nothing like a simple-minded agnostic jumping in the middle of a heated debate between a group of angry atheists and a herd of disgruntled religionists; ha-ha! Oh, please mind you, those poor little “innocent” agnostics don’t have a side and are simply instigating, if ya will… What a joke! LOL!

Anyway, God is from another dimension, and is not some “sky fairy” or “magical wand-waver” from afar that lives next to the star of Betelgeuse from the constellation of Orion, for example. Please don’t confuse God with the poor little grey aliens that are fleeing their giant, dying, red star and visiting us via UFO action and secret, secret boogy-boogy stuff; geez!

What is it with some of y’all?
Why do some people argue nearly every waking hour that they are online or offline, about God?
Self-conflict and personal issues, anyone? Considering we are all a part of the cosmic situation / eternal existence, I’d say so, wouldn’t you?

Before I say anything more, the other “dimension” that I speak about, is from the inside – within all of us. Yes, dear dawdling darlings, the funnels that create don’t procreate in the same dimension.
Even you, before your dependent little ass was born, wasn’t, what I would call, in the same dimension before birth. [See photo below...]

Even a computer-based game programmer doesn’t visibly live inside the games he/she creates.
But what if we are all endless dividends of the divine programmer?
Emotions aren’t physically visible, either, as they are not considered an object, yet you can sense and feel them, nonetheless. Objects exist throughout the universe, without the need for such sentiment, so if everything was just, uh, simple “matter” that could be explained scientifically, then why is there all the confusion of erratic thoughts?
Are we all scattered into tiny bits from a whole while trying to find all of the parts from within?
No wonder the “theory of evolution” has become a religion for the many lost beings out there who lack intuition and an overall sense of self-awareness!
At any rate…

Oh, some of the so-called “atheists” (such a lame term, by the way) claim to only provide logical and rational thoughts, blah, blah, as you and your anti-God people often say?
Can you also say, “mechanical thoughts?”
Can you also say that “we are all a part of this thing we call God” and that “we are all responsible for our own actions and can either help ‘create’ a better world or, at the same time, be able to destroy the quality of life and shun from egalitarianism in all forms?”

Speaking of that, I provided a pretty cool video on my post entitled “Egalitarianism – Easier Said than Done…,” as you might want to check it out. [Link is temporarily inactive as I haven't relocated that post yet.]

Oh, back to the point:

Rationalists often use that Object/Concept crap, when debating about such matters like God, Religion, and so forth. I usually call this the “dead rock religion.” They basically say, “if it ain’t an object with a location, it doesn’t exist.” …Many atheists use this, for whatever reason. I find the whole entire notion to be quite inane, especially since, going by their logic, the “mind” must not exist, as it is truly not a visible object with a location that can be technically placed with x & y coordinates, among many other things. I’m not talking about the thoughtless brain matter itself, but the “mind” behind and/or inside it, the “stuff” that powers it, as many folks know, that the “mind” is still a medical mystery to this day – ya know, the powers of the mind and whatnot; praise be!

I recently read an interesting web page on this subject, that somewhat paralleled with some of my prior thoughts about God and our existence that I had several years ago, which is somewhat odd, to say the least, although I still basically think the same way towards this subject, as I did several years ago. Anyway, you can find that article, here:

Okay, well, until the day comes when “science” can label the mind that is behind all the thoughts and actions of each individual as an object with a definite location, they will never have any evidence that God (as we are all apart of) doesn’t exist because we all know, deep down, that our thoughts are real even though they are not “technically” considered an object; get real…

What are you waiting for? …Now get the ball rolling; feel free to comment below; cheers!

[Since this post was on a website of mine that I recently deleted, I will also include its comment field below...]

Comment #1: Ree :) says:
July 15, 2012 at 2:10 am
I like this blog:) God means different things to different people. The bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That's a big deal …and that we are made in God's image… who really knows if God even has a sex or the exact way and reason we were created. What matters is it happened.  We are so complex that we often miss the things that are right in front of our faces for whatever reason we overlook the things that should be eye openers and try to dig deeper than what we really need to... only to waste time, causing confusion…and doubt. Kinda like how usually your first thoughts on something is right but then you go wondering if you're really right or asking other people and usually end up being wrong because you over thought it…when you should have stuck with your first instinct, because you had it right all along.

People get hung up on labels when it really doesn’t matter. You should do things in a positive and productive sense no matter what you do. God is in your life... whatever you make God out to be but for me… God is love, God is my protector, creator, friend, I can talk to God and get answers, yes... it does also come from within. That's where God dwells on the inside of us...but only if welcomed can God hang out and become your friend…God is my guide, my help...the over whelming feeling on the inside of me that assures me that there's so much more to this life than what you can prove by what you can see with your eyes and feel with your hands...even though Gods greatest creation is seen in the mirror every day... God gives us free will to choose …what good is it if you only love someone because you have to? It means a lot more to you and the one on the other end of it if you decide to love and let love grow... same as trust... trusting that God loved you enough to not only create you but to keep you and always take you back no matter what you do that God may not approve of...don’t ya think it was already known that you were gonna mess up? Just like babies have to be taught and be put in time out from time to time…you were called by name before you ever had a name...

“I will go before you and level the mountains to make the crooked places straight, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron, I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel who calls you by your name.” Isaiah 45:2-3…Isa 45:5 “I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me.” (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Romans 4:17…..

I’m sure God has tried in personal ways to show us and prove to us in ways that mean something to us... could have been a near death experience...dream, vision, an audible voice...feelings of deja vu ...its endless...we don’t have to understand it all... we just have to accept that its real… and accepting don’t mean you have to have it all figured out... Just accept that something somewhere loves you...and only wants to be acknowledged and loved back… and invited to dwell on the inside of you… kinda like an artist creates a masterpiece... they always sign the bottom to show that… hey this is here and beautiful because I took the time and effort on it… and there is no other like give credit to that person… why not give the credit where its due to someone who cared enough to create you? 

Comment#2: (Me)
Hey there, Thanks for stopping by and writing a blog within my comment field about God; cheers!

Comment #3: Dave says:
July 30, 2012 at 3:18 am
If God is truly a god, then God cannot be constrained by the laws of physics as we know them. If God is so constrained, then God is something less than a god and not worthy of our worship. If saying that God exists in another dimension is a way of understanding this, then all well and good.

Comment #4: (Me)
 Thanks, Dave… Your last sentence really nailed my main point, as I’m hoping that using the “God is from another dimension” terminology – along with a few other examples of such – helps other people understand, who are really just thinking about the non-existent sky fairies and magical wand-wavers while claiming to be atheists. The word ‘everything’ is a really BIG word, ya know…

---End of Previous Comment Field.

Image Credit: [link is no longer active]

---End of Part 2: "God is from another Dimension…"

---End of Post... "Thank God and Hallelujah!" Ha-ha!

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