Sunday, May 23, 2010

Satyrs & Centaurs - Mythical Hybrids

In mythology, you'll sometimes find hybrids that represent two creatures into one entity.
A couple good examples of these types of mystic beings are the Satyrs & Centaurs. Another fanciful form of hybrid beings, that I've recently did a post on, is the lovely Mermaids.

The Centaurs, in Greek Mythology, were mythical hybrids that are part horse and part human. Where the horse's neck would be, is where the humanoid upper torso began. Symbolically, these human-like horses (Centaurs) would have had the strength & endurance of a wild beast along with the cognitive function of a wise human. However, if it's like a lot of Earth-based bipeds, we may need to go easy on that "wise" part; ha!

The Satyrs dwelled within the woods & mountains, and most mythologies depict them as half goat and half human albeit some images seemed to add a longer tail that resembled more of a horse. Many of the depictions I have seen thus far of the Satyrs, often display them with an erection. Maybe they consumed "horny goat weed extract" on a regular basis? By what I've read, from various sources, they sound like a bunch of damn partying little devils. The Satyrs are mischievous in a sly way; they are also very horny & lewd, boisterous & loud, and like to get drunk often. Hmm, this sounds like a scenario that we, nowadays, refer to as a "guy's night out on the town." Ha-ha!

Update: I just recently read an article that was called "10 Experiments That Have Created Real Human-Animal Hybrids." Here is an excerpt from that site, then followed with a link to further your reading:

"In what has to be the strangest-sounding experiment into human-animal hybrids, scientists in 2011 grafted human anal sphincters onto mice. The scientists bioengineered the anal sphincters, making them complete with human nerves and muscles. The researchers were delighted to see that the sphincters would generate their blood supply and fuse with the rest of the flesh when grafted onto animals’ bodies. The mice could even relax and contract them like natural sphincters." Continue reading about all 10 experiments, here:

Wow! Some of that stuff makes the mythical Centaurs & Satyrs sound semi-normal. As they say, truth is often stranger than fiction! The one I mentioned about above was just one of the bizarre experiments.  The other 9 listed on that page were: 

1) The Rabbit-Man grown in a dish, 2) The human-chimpanzee hybrid, 3) Pigs with half-human blood, 4) Goats and Cows that lactate human milk, 5) Pigs and Sheep with human organs, 6) Mice with human livers, 7) The Mouse with an ear on its back, 8) Mice with half-human brains, 9) Monkeys with human neural cells.
Yep, that sounds like it would have been excellent science-fiction of the past, but here they are working on stuff like that in private labs.  I don't really get the mouse that grew an ear on its back, though, unless it is trying to prevent people from talking behind its back? Ha!  Okay, I'm done with this post...

---End of Post "Satyrs & Centaurs - Mythical Hybrids"

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