Friday, November 15, 2024

The Book of Ezekiel - Modern Spaceships - Ancient Aliens?

Side Note: I re-posted this article from another website of mine that I deleted a while back. The original date of this post was sometime during the year 2012. This is a shortened version of that page, along with a few edits, etc.

 Let's say that many years from now, the Homo sapiens (today's version of man on planet Earth) has the ability to travel to other distant solar systems and once there, we find planets inhabited by alien, primitive beings (not the advanced ones that visit this planet). If this happens, there is a good chance the primitive native will see our people as "angels" with incredible supernatural powers, deem us as "the gods," and so on.  

Actually, the whole idea of ancient aliens getting falsely identified as angels, gods or even demons is not that far-fetched of a notion. I've wondered before, if that isn't sort of how a lot of those Greek Gods came into Mythology.  Hmm, I don't know.  At any otherworldly rate, it is very interesting to think about nonetheless...

However, I must note: Even if there were alien beings flying around in UFOs during the past (they most likely were), it doesn't necessarily mean that they were messengers from God, either. On another note, were the descriptions like what is found in the Book of Ezekiel, simply some guy's creative imagination and savvy story-telling abilities using symbolic speak and prophetic gestures?

This particular page's topic is mostly about what was briefly described in the Book of Ezekiel, verses 1:4-28. Those particular verses have many ancient astronaut theorists all riled up, as it adds to the possibility that there may be proof in the Bible that there were aliens, spaceships (whether they describe modern craft and/or advanced UFOs, it is all the same considering the time period we're talking about here) visiting Earth, long ago, etc.

I think that if you read those English translated (or in raw form) Bible quotes with an open mind, it would be hard not to notice that Ezekiel described to the best of his ability and limited knowledge, some type of spaceships that came down from outer space. Some aspects of his descriptions sound more like modern aircrafts, while other details definitely sound like advanced technology from ancient aliens via sophisticated UFOs, etc.

Honestly, to think that aliens from another planet intentionally created the various religions on Earth, is hard for me to believe. I don't doubt that they have made it into the ancient texts and whatnot, and perhaps had some influence on today's various types of religions, but I wouldn't go much beyond that simple notion.

I have trouble reading a lot of the Old Testament, anyway.  I'm not a Bible scholar by no means, and I'm yet to read the whole book, although I need to, so I can have a more complete opinion on biblical subjects, beliefs, certain types of dogma, etc.

The Book of Ezekiel seemed to me, yet again, another violent, angry entry in the Old Testament that proclaims the wrath that God brings.  

For example, one violent verse out of the many (Ezekiel 7: 8-9) says:  "Very soon now you will feel all the force of my anger.  I am judging you for what you have done, and I will pay you back for all your disgusting conduct.  I will not spare you or show you any mercy.  I am going to punish you for all the disgusting things you have done, so that you will know I am the Lord, and I am the one who punishes you." Wow! That would explain what happened at Sodom & Gomorrah. Ha!

That book is filled with starvation, disease, murders, and brutality from "the Lord."

How can God be so angry in the Old Testament and so soft, warm, loving and forgiving in the New Testament?  What, is this symbolic for Bi-Polar disorder or maybe I just haven't read enough, and I need to read the whole entire Holy Bible from cover to cover?

Anyway, outside of the promotions of violence and jealousies from the Book of Ezekiel, it does start off with some very interesting descriptions of what very well may have been modern spaceships like we are familiar with today.  We could also take this a step inward and say that perhaps there was an advanced, secret society living on some isolated, uninhabited area on or inside the Earth during those ancient times from a previously defunct civilization (that survived an ancient war and was exploring the planet). 

Either way, there is a chance that Ezekiel may have been trying to tell what he saw and mislabeled some ancient aliens (or ancient humans) as God-like beings.  I assume the leader or commander of the spaceships was the one he was calling the Lord. Any further ideas about this subject are always welcome in the 'comment field' below...

---End of Post "The Book of Ezekiel - Modern Spaceships - Ancient Aliens?"

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