Sunday, November 17, 2024

Nazi Bell Project - Time Travel Experiments

Side Note: This is an old blog entry that I relocated here from a website of mine that I deleted. The original date of this post was: November 12th, 2012.

I have read many things and even watched a few videos about this mysterious project, and I'm yet to get any conclusive proof that the Nazi Bell Project was successful or what its exact purpose was.  Some people think it never even happened, label it as a myth, and may even tell you to put on a tinfoil hat, etc.

Anyway, I do find the whole concept to be very interesting.  When it comes to time travel experiments, there are loads of rumors.  Many of which, give hype to the Montauk Project.  The Montauk Project has been purported to be a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. It is often listed as just another conspiracy theory, but it's also claimed by many people to be a well-kept secret and highly guarded project by the government.  This particular project was supposedly designed for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.

...Many of these types of rumors often end up relating and/or coming back to the famous "Philadelphia Experiment."  

Although many people label this experiment as a hoax, the "Philadelphia Experiment" is a naval military experiment alleged to have been carried out at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA sometime around October 28, 1943. It is alleged that the U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible ("cloaked") to enemy devices.

The experiment is also referred to as Project Rainbow...  The experiment was allegedly based on an aspect of the unified field theory, a term coined by Albert Einstein. The Unified Field Theory aims to describe mathematically and physically the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity, in other words uniting the fields of electromagnetism and gravity into one field. Consequently, if light was bent, then space-time would be bent, effectively creating an invisible time machine, at least in theory.

There is a lot of gray area here, concerning this particular project.  One could always try to read and watch videos about this topic, all while sorting through the loads of baloney.  If you're interested in hearing more about the Philadelphia Experiment, Wikipedia has a fair amount of information, here:

Before we go any further, you may want to freshen up on some of the concepts of time travel.  I've never had a problem with concepts that relate to travelling into the future, but for any humanoid to have the ability to travel into the past, well, just doesn't seem possible due to there being too many things that can go wrong, to put it bluntly.  Dimensional travel is another subject entirely, but we won't go there today...  I have written a blog post in the past, that covered some of these topics, here:

"4th & 5th Dimensions, Time Travel & Parallel Universes"

Of course, if you'd like an elaborate version that speaks about several of the aspects involving time machines and time travel, you will definitely have to research further.

Now, what about this Nazi Bell Project?  First off, when researching this subject, remember that many folks refer to it as "Die Glocke," which is German for "the bell." This was allegedly an experiment carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS in a German facility known as Der Riese ("The Giant") near the Wenceslaus mine and close to the Czech border, Die Glocke is described as being a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal" approximately 9 feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high having a shape similar to that of a large bell. 

According to Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be "filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was code-named "Xerum 525" and was otherwise cautiously stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead."  

Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal), "included thorium and beryllium peroxides." Cook describes Die Glocke as emitting strong radiation when activated, an effect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed scientists and various plant and animal test subjects. Based upon certain external indications, Witkowski states that "the ruins of a metal framework in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (aesthetically dubbed "The Henge") may have once served as test rig for an experiment in "anti-gravity propulsion" generated with Die Glocke; others, however, dismiss the derelict structure as simply being a conventional industrial cooling tower."

When I mentioned "the henge," I'm talking about a structure that was supposedly used to hang this bell when doing experiments in time and/or anti-matter/anti-gravity propulsion tests or whatever.  The more I read about it, I don't know if it was a bomb, a flying craft or a dang time machine!  Maybe it was all three, I don't know...  At any rate, before I continue, I'll provide an image of the henge that was possibly used (at least it's what some people think its purpose was) for these experiments in time or for whatever else during the Nazi Bell Project, below:

Another good source for reading about many of the lost technologies the Germans may have possessed, is the book entitled "Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology."  That book is packed full of tidbits about German Technology and leaves one to re-think the possibility that they were helped with alien technology.  That book inspired me to write a couple other articles:  "German Scientists, Hitler, Aliens, Secret Weapons & Lost Technology" and "Lake Vostok - Mystery at Antarctica."

Anyway, from the book I mentioned prior, Chapter 35, Experiments in Time, provides a few interesting pages about the Nazi Bell Project.  To add to the mystery, without talking about all the potential underground facilities used to conduct many of these exotic experiments, it has also been said that many people believe that the Germans also experimented with what they called "interdimensional trips," during that certain time frame of massive advancements.  Wow!  Who really knows?

Oh, I did find a fairly resourceful and elaborate page about the Nazi Bell Project that wasn't a Wikipedia article, here: [Link is no longer active.]

Moving right along, and trying to be as short as possible while providing useful resource links, what about the UFO with an acorn and/or bell-like shape that crashed-landed several years ago?  I'm speaking about the Kecksburg UFO - 1965, Kecksburg, PA, USA; residents observed a fiery object streak through the sky and fall to earth.  Military investigated the quarantined area, while officers secretly removed the object from the earth.  It was said to be 9 feet long, bronze colored and shaped like an acorn with unusual symbols on it.  If you're curious about this subject, not only can you find some written material about it, Unsolved Mysteries aired a show about this, several years ago.  Surely there is a YouTube video about it, as well.  

When concerning the Kecksburg UFO, was that the missing Bell from the Nazi Bell Project or was it a completely separate alien craft or perhaps a manned or non-manned drone craft?  So many questions...  Well, I hope this page has got your imagination cranked up, and good luck trying to find the truth of the matters along with trying to piece some of this crap together. Cheers!

---End of Post "Nazi Bell Project - Time Travel Experiments"

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